Today's episode was created out of real frustration from sitting and listening to really great people pitch their business ideas and businesses as investment opportunities really really bad, the other day in a pitch marathon. When I say bad, I really mean horrifically.
I've had the unique distinction and honor to pitch multiple deals ranging from asks of $300K to $15+M and sit on several deals being pitched to me.
The deals that get the most attention and money are the ones that followed these 6 simple rules and told the story not from the person seeking the investment but from what the investor actually wanted to know.
That's the biggest mistake I see happen when really good people pitch their business ideas - they forgot to learn what the investor wants to know and deliver that information accordingly.
The pitch is never about you and your business idea it's all about ensuring the INVESTOR gets the information they want to make the decision as to whether they are going to invest. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!!!